Monday, August 10, 2009

Back in the Hospital Part 2

While all the back and forth about which doc would see me was going on, I had my first visitor. Sue Marken, the sister of an old friend, came by. Her brother had died after heart surgery a couple of weeks before I had my own CAB in January. We had exchanged emails back then, and had recently renewed the correspondence. I was happy to meet her face to face for the first time.

At some point in the afternoon, I found that my tachycardia had returned. My heart rate was back up to 117. The suffering soul in the next bed became delirious in the late afternoon. They moved me to a private room, away from his loud outbursts. Shortly after the move, my angina kicked up. I told the nurse about it, and she responded by giving me 1 mg of diladud. This got rid of the pain alright. It also put me out for the evening.

This morning at 4:00 AM, the nurse woke me up. She said the monitor showed I had gone in to atrial fibrillation, and she wanted to do an EKG to document it. The tech confirmed I was in afib. This bummed me out considerably. Now two of the symptoms the ablation had been designed to address have returned. Also, I'm now in a similar condition to the one that kept me hospitalized for 11 days. It's not inconceivable they may want to hold on to me now.

30 sleepless minutes later, by heart started hurting again. I called the nurse and got another 1mg of diladud for my trouble. This addressed the pain, but didn't knock me out quite as far. Tolerance is setting in.

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