Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Proprietary Software's Premature Obituary

Another prediction of Linux World Domination(tm) has appeared on Geek dot com. Not atypically for this sort of thing, it's coupled with another prediction of the demise of Microsoft and proprietary software in general. Is it likely that we have actually heard a "death knell" for the proprietary approach? To provide a partial answer to that question, we can look at the successes and failures Linux has had on the road to world hegemony.

First, it's helpful to remember that we are dealing with at least three separate markets when it comes to Linux vs the proprietary competition. Those would be the server, embedded and desktop markets. Taking them in reverse order, please allow me to pontificate on the relative strengths and weaknesses of Linux in these market segments.


Desktop dominance has hovered like a shimmering mirage in front of Linux enthusiasts, and some Linux companies for years. The massive failure of Vista gave people lots of hope that the day of desktop dominance had finally arrived. But the fact is that Linux gained a minuscule amount of share in this market over the years since Vista's release. Apple benefited more, but Macintosh is still below 10% share. Why is that?

Dirty Tricks

Microsoft has been infamous for using illegal methods in pursuit of its businesses. I followed the antitrust trial back in the 90s, and read about all the dirty tricks MS pulled to fend off the twin platform threats of Netscape and Java. The company seemed willing to go to any lengths to crush competitors. But Microsoft is unable to be quite so bare-knuckled these days. The antitrust trial illuminated a lot of Microsoft misbehavior. And, although the US DOJ under George W. Bush backed off on tough sanctions that might have been effective in modifying Microsoft's behavior, the European Union later stepped up and actually enforced their antitrust laws. This provided more evidence of Microsoft wrongdoing, and came with sanctions and restrictions that actually had some effect on the company. Bill Gates' reduced role in the company may have led to less over the top behavior by Microsoft too. But despite having to tone down some of the excesses of the past, the company still ferociously defends markets in which it is entrenched, and remains a potent threat to any competitor trying to play in one of them. However dirty tricks are less likely to be the only factor driving Microsoft's success today. What else could account for that?


Though the hardware driver picture has improved considerably on Linux, Microsoft's market dominance still means that hardware vendors are more likely to deliver ready to run drivers for their products on Windows first. Your latest PC may have trouble in that department. My not-so-new MSI Wind U100 netbook runs Ubuntu 9.04 Notebook Remix. It's gorgeous, but the wireless won't do WPA2 authentication. This means that until Ubuntu fixes the bug, this cool little netbook will work fine in the coffee shop or the airport, but not at home or in the office. You can obtain, patch, build and install a kernel module to fix the problem yourself, but if you think about it, you'll see that's irrelevant to this discussion.


Perhaps the weight of Microsoft's installed base, what the DOJ called the "applications barrier to entry," is the reason Linux can't seem to gain a lot of traction on the desktop. It's certainly true that Microsoft enjoys enormous leverage with software vendors, due to the massive market their platform provides. This leverage makes it more difficult to defect from Windows on your home PC. Your proprietary apps may work on Linux through some combination of wine and virtualization, but try to get support for those solutions, in the general case. What I mean by "support" is not just help when it breaks, but smooth and easy installation and initial configuration. And though high quality native equivalents to important commercial applications exist, few can boast the installed base, and the concomitant support from vendors and community resources that popular commercial apps enjoy. On business desktops, it may be more feasible to deploy Linux with a limited set of applications, either virtual Windows ones or native. But the IT staff is still faced with a relatively more difficult job supporting those apps given less vendor support.

New User Friendliness

Then there's the difference in ease of learning you often see between proprietary and F/OSS. A specific example may show better what I mean. Take Photoshop and Gimp. Go to and compare the new user documentation to Pretend you have never used either app and try to figure out how to get started. Hint, you'll find the info at Gimp's site, but you'll have to dig deeper, and you won't get the same quality for the new user. And this difference extends to third party support for the applications as well. Do a book search on Amazon, first for "photoshop" then "gimp," and count the number of results. Go to and check out the Photoshop video tutorials. Try to find anything 1/2 as good for Gimp there or on YouTube.

This focus on newbies goes to the heart of the Windows platform advantage on the desktop. New users of Linux tend to be significantly disadvantaged compared to their counterparts in Windows as far as learning new applications goes. My feeling is that's so because the folks that develop the software, as opposed to the people who integrate the software into a distribution, tend to lack a new user's perspective. They produce software that is easy to use once you get to know it well. Since Linux desktop domination requires coaxing lots of Windows users onto an unfamiliar platform, this deficit in hand-holding newbies bites hard. Linux distributions struggle to provide the new user with a consistent and usable environment for desktop computing. New users of Linux are likely to perceive the difficulty in picking up a new (insert user's critically important app here) as the whole story on Linux as a platform. On the other hand, it's not like Windows as a platform offers a whole lot of help in the integration department either. But the apps tend to be designed by teams that include people who want to suck new users into using them. With apologies to the minority of application projects that have worked hard to design in discoverability, and who have provided outstanding, lucid and accessible documentation with the naive user in mind, all that is just not a priority in most open source application development.

Which is it then?

You can argue about how much of Window's advantage is due to inertia and market size, and how much is due to apps that are relatively easy to learn, but there's an experiment underway that can help answer that question. MacOS X is a Unix based OS famed for usability. Applications on MacOS X are often easier to use and learn compared to their Windows equivalents On the other hand, Macintosh suffers from a similar disadvantage in critical mass that Linux does with respect to hardware and software. Macintosh enjoys about a 10% share of the desktop market, whereas Linux is around 1%. Since the two platforms face similar (though not identical) challenges trying to overcome Microsoft's market domination, we can factor out those disadvantages when comparing the two OS in terms of market share. To a first approximation, a substantial portion of that tenfold advantage in Mac desktops over Linux must reflect the advantage usability confers.


In the embedded market, Linux has a big advantage in cost. If you are talking about a mass market item, like a cellphone, that cost advantage is a huge factor. Also, embedded applications tend to be under tighter control than typical desktop apps. An alarm system is a special purpose device - achieving usability is straightforward. (Even so, it's remarkable how many embedded applications suck bigtime.) The basic cellphone applications, making and receiving calls, accessing voicemail, managing contacts, and so forth, are well defined and relatively uncomplicated. As you move up to more general purpose computing on a mobile phone, complexity increases, and many of the usability factors that are important in the desktop space come into play. But there's less historical MS hegemony here. Finally people seem to be more willing to accept learning a different way of navigating a new phone's interface compared to learning a new computer OS. So Linux has a clearer field in the embedded space.


Finally, in the server market, Linux has done and will continue to do very well. GNU/Linux started life as a Unix clone, and Unix was and remains a server OS (MacOS X notwithstanding.) Basic server applications on Linux are more mature, and requirements for application usability are different. Engineers volunteering time for server development on the GNU/Linux platform look more like their users than their desktop cousins. Indeed, the users are often those very engineers. Linux attracts quite a good deal of free R&D for new server roles. Today it's virtualization, yesterday it was clustering. Linux led both those technologies, and maintains strong positions in both today. Tomorrow the popularity of Linux in academia, and the support of big companies like IBM and HP guarantee new trends in servers will be quickly taken up, if not actually pioneered on Linux. And businesses care about some of the the advantages F/OSS confers on computer users. Avoiding vendor lock-in and providing fundamental transparency in the infrastructure are attractive to business, along with low cost and high software quality. I'm aware there are advantages to Free Software beyond the ones I just listed, but those are the ones that tend to appeal to businesses interested in using Linux in the server room.

No Panaceas

Linux is not one thing. Diversity abounds. People contribute to it, and use it, for a huge variety of reasons. So it's natural that Linux succeeds differently in different contexts. It would be unreasonable to expect anything else. Panaceas don't actually exist in the real world. Linux is not a panacea, it's a real, live, vital OS, with it's unique set of strengths and flaws. It will continue to do well in many areas, and may do better on the desktop some day. But Linux has farther to go there than in the markets which leverage its natural strengths.

Dead Software?

If you stop thinking about Linux and F/OSS as singular answers to the problems posed by computer systems and applications software, you may be able to see that software sold for profit actually has strengths and weaknesses too. However much you may wish it weren't so, from the user standpoint, software written for money rather than love is often a better solution. Alternatives to many of the flagship proprietary applications need to provide more than high quality code. They have to be designed, packaged, documented and supported to compete with their closed source competitors. One problem is that software engineers who code for love may often not be the best people to deliver on all of those requirements. Until that, and many other things change, proprietary software will stay off life support.


  1. My vision of the future:

    Open source software will become a planet of code, while proprietary products will be like the buildings and structures that rest on that planet, doing business on it.

    This is because while proprietary code is born and dies with the lifetime of its corporation, the body of OSS grows and grows and never dies, always accumulating in size.

    And, any time proprietary code does something clever, it's only a matter of time before someone clones it in OSS. So the commercial buildings are composted into the planet, making it yet bigger.

  2. You missed one glaringly obvious fact with regard to Linux on the Desktop. PC's ship with Windows. It is almost impossible to buy a Desktop PC without Windows.

    The average user is not going to uninstall Vista to install a flavour of Linux, because they don't care. They just want a PC that does PC stuff. Mac's share of the Desktop reflects this as obviously Macs ship with OS/X.

    Where Linux is shipped with the PC such as most SSD Netbooks it is doing very well.

  3. 2phosphenes
    that's a sharp analogy, never occured to me =) not that i'm ready to fully accept it, but interesting.

  4. "Macintosh enjoys about a 10% share of the desktop market, whereas Linux is around 1%."

    These numbers could be pretty far off. Thye seem to conflict with MS estimates below, for example. And the 10% Mac number included iPhones. Plus, Gartner has Apple share dropping to 7.5% recently.

  5. It is INERTIA the most important obstacle for MAC and Linux to gain an acceptable portion of market share (to me that will be at least 33-40% adding up both). That will meake for a very healthy market in which Microsoft users will be most benefit because they will get cheaper Windows license and products (MS office would probably get cheaper too)

    As of Linux 1% vs MAC OS X 10%... well that is difficult to measure but the truth is probably not far from that. The reason for this difference is not only user-friendliness and commercial support behind MAC, there are ALSO technical reasons:

    - The major intel drivers rewriteis giving a very bad name to Linux 2d and 3d graphics support due to all performance regressions and bugs exposed to the end users (specially the last Linux flagship "netbooks", that use intel graphic cards).

    - Even with pulseaudio the Linux sound system is buggy (it fades out when "it feels like it" and other bugs alike)

    - You still have to use the command line for 'normal user tasks' and do geek like stuff to make some wifi chipsets firmware work... (I don't mind that stuff, but I don't recommend it for newbies)

  6. On the other hand, Linux and FOSS is a technology base that balances Commercial Software:

    1) It prevents Commercial Software for charging users again and again for using 15-30years old technologies.

    2) Due to 1) commercial software is forced to innovate and provide real new added value. (It forces )

    3) It also pushes direct innovation thought commercial companies using open source software base to deliver early new products (eg. Google Chrome, Android). And most of them are Open Source too.

    4) FOSS is mature enough now to bring new competition to traditionally monopoly-dead markets (see the web browsers and OS markets). See what Asus did with the eee, it was just a "phantom menace" to Microsoft, but it worked, Xp life was extended and Win7 is much lighter and appears sooner.

    5) FOSS also provides "new ways for living out of software" that DO NOT imply making ALL users pay for a LICENSE to use the software. This also forces traditional commercial software to improve their paid-for support, etc. Look at RedHat, MySQL and its derivatives, dual-licenses, etc) There are many commercial companies out there living out of FOSS or because of FOSS (Google search engine for instance was born thanks to the Internet AND Linux both).

  7. Don't expect Commercial Software to die or fade away, both FOSS and commercial software are required, they complement each other and can benefit from each other:

    - Com. Sw can build new solutions faster based upon legacy FOSS, and the solutions can be new FOSS or Com. Sw. (depending on licenses and the solution architecture)

    - FOSS can benefit from Commercial Sw just because it exists and must compete with it OR because a company dies and makes its software FOSS to save it (like Netscape that brought us Firefox).

    And don't expect FOSS to die either. As said above companies die and so their closed source does, but GOOD FOSS never dies, even if the companies behind it are unable to benefit from it and avoid extinction. (That is not so true for BAD FOSS, mind you)

    And always remember that Linux and FOSS mean FREE as in freedom but not GRATIS!

    There is always money to be make out of FOSS alone or mixed with Commercial Software or support services. It is just a new approach to business models that is not so 'intuitive' in our current culture.

  8. Sorry:

    "There is always money to be made out of FOSS..."

  9. phosphene: I agree that F/OSS software will tend to have a longer life than proprietary, and for the reason you state. But you neglect to consider that new proprietary software will come along to fill in the niches, Some of those niches will be the familiar ones and some don't even exist yet. F/OSS will be there too of course.

    Verbomania: good point. But I stick by my premise that the usability of Macintosh software accounts for some substantial fraction of the difference in market share with respect to Linux. Asus and MSI have both said they switched to Windows XP from Linux because of user complaints. That leaves out the rumored special deals Microsoft offered them though.

    Alex: I trust Steve Ballmer the way I trust an alligator. The Perspiring One has good reason to diss Apple at the current time. Another factor to consider is that Linux is a potent competitor to Windows in the server space. His comments may have more to do with that battle than the desktop tussle.

    Linux desktop share vs Windows vs Macintosh is a tricky thing to measure. The niceties of Statistics mean you usually can't just compare two studies head to head. On top of that, propaganda machines churn out disinformation at a prodigious rate on this sort of data. Here ( is an article criticizing a recent NetApplications study that shows Gnu/Linux at 1.02% and Mac at 9.73%. The objections given in that article are typical of the sort of argumentation that goes on around market share numbers all the time, and not just with the desktop OS market. This guy appears to be a Linux advocate, so it's natural that he's challenging the share allocated to Linux and to Mac. An Applehead would tend to contest the same numbers, but in an opposite sense. Note that I'm not saying people with a point of view necessarily lie, and I'm certainly not accusing the author of the referenced of anything like that. But a predisposition in favor of anything tends to make you pick up and emphasize different facts as compared with someone with a different set of biases.

    A marketing guy from Microsoft would probably look at those numbers and feel complacent, though it's certain Microsoft is doing quite a bit of data collection and analysis on this topic all the time.

    The numbers I use in the article are reasonable on some level. If the actual numbers differ significantly, it's unlikely they invert the positions of Linux and Mac, though they might narrow them. The main point stands: usability gives Mac a boost in the marketplace relative to Linux.

    joszvag: I think you restated some of my main points in your first post. Bottom line: Linux tends to be new user hostile. The audio and video issues are part of that. We may disagree on the relative importance of application usability, but not the general point. I guess it might be a matter of exactly when in the process of being introduced to Linux that a new user runs into something awkward or arcane. Linux passes the hardware tests on a lot of systems, and I hear rumors that pulseaudio may work well for more basic apps and in some particular moon phases.

    I agree with every point in your second post.

    Your third post's conclusions are the same as mine, but cover some different ground. They were an interesting read. Thanks.
